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New Candidate

Click on the New button on the Candidates page to add a new candidate to the election.


The following fields are required to create a candidate for the election.

  • Candidate Name: Full name of voter
  • Position: Position in a category for which the candidate is competing
  • Ballot Number: The position of the candidate on the ballot sheet. If duplicate ballot numbers are found with more than one candidate for the same position, ballot validation will fail.
  • Photo: is used to display the image of the candidate on the ballot though optional.

Image title

Provide the details in each field and click on Save to confirm the candidate's details.


Following a successful save of a candidate, the candidate's information is displayed in a card, as shown in the previous section.

Photo upload

When uploading a candidate's photo, it is recommended that you follow the following guidelines:

  • Image with a resolution of 300 x 300 px for better candidate photo display.
  • The image should not be larger than 2MB.
  • Image formats allowed are .jpg, .jpeg and .png

Click on the Attach button to upload the candidate's photo.

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